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Information & Guidelines for the Installation of Coconut Mosaics


SOLI Coconut tiles can be used in an extensive range of vertical design applications. Applications include kitchens, bathrooms, feature walls, wall borders and entertainment areas. Due to the delicate nature of these tiles, the Coconut Collection is not recommended for high traffic flooring applications. This is a natural product and is designed for interior use only. Coconut tiles should not be applied in areas that are in direct contact with water, such as pools, tub surrounds or backsplashes without the proper water repelling agents.


All substrates should be firmly fixed, flat, clean, dry and free of contaminants such as dust, oil, paint, sealers etc. to ensure proper adhesion. Painted surfaces must be scuffed or sanded for the product and adhesive to bond correctly. Wet areas need special attention and require appropriate substrates, e.g. concrete, cement boards (compressed sheet), and treated plywood. In humid environments, the use of a water proofing agent is recommended. If the area is not, dry humidity will evaporate through the coconut and may cause stains.


SOLI Coconut tiles have a mesh backing and can be installed around gently curved surfaces.


The coconut shells can be cut with a saw suitable for wood. The mesh on the back of the tile can be cut with a utility knife.


Follow the adhesive manufacturer’s instructions carefully. We do not recommend one brand over another. Please check with your local tile supply store for alternative and comparable products.

The manufacturer’s literature for the adhesive you choose will explain if the product is suitable for interiors and/or exteriors, as well as walls and floors. The coconut tiles should be cleaned and left unpacked for at least 48 hours to allow them to acclimate to room temperature (generally around 15C/65F). The recommended adhesive is Laticrete 310 Epoxy, but a construction grade adhesive suitable for woods can be used as an alternative.

The glue should be spread in a continuous and uniform way, with teeth approximately 3–4mm high. The use of a rubber mallet may be necessary to bring the tiles closer together. A clear drying glue should be used on the edges where tiles touch and join together, make sure to wipe all excess glue off with a damp towel.


SOLI Coconut tiles do not require grout. Where spaces or gaps exist due to the natural curve of the product, or when applying to a curved surface, one can use wood filler similar in color to the shell.


First, wash the tiles and let dry for 24–48 hours. This will ensure that moisture is not present under the surface of the tile. Walls exposed to direct sunlight may fade or change color. The use of a UV protection material, a varnish/polyurethane, or a wet wax can be applied. In high humidity the product should be sealed with an epoxy varnish or a hydro repellent (e.g. Taski Jontec Time Saver, Jon-Stone Repello/Prevento, FILA HP98). Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for any of these treatments.


SOLI Coconut tiles must be regularly cleaned and maintained to extend the life and beauty of the tile. The tiles can be cleaned with a neutral mild detergent. For tiles in high traffic areas keep surfaces clean from abrasive dirt. Do not use abrasive cleaners, powders, scouring pads, steel wool or sandpaper. Do not let soap, bleach or other cleaning solutions set on the surface. It is best to use wood cleaners and refreshers for the surface of this product to maintain its natural look.